Gov’ts snobbish reaction to UTAG’s strike very disappointing – GRASAG


The Graduate Students Association of Ghana (GRASAG) has expressed their disappointment in the manner in which the Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo led Government has handled the concerns raised by the University Teachers Association of Ghana (UTAG) and the Senior Staff Association of the University of Ghana.

The association in a press release reacting the impending nationwide strike by teacher union (UTAG), expressed their disappointment as to why government would ignore the concerns of the teachers, concerning their remuneration and conditions of service. “It is sad and disappointing to note that members of the University Teachers’ Association and the Senior Staff Association-Universities of Ghana give off their best to train and groom researchers and future lecturers for the country’s intellectual fraternity, only to be met with deaf ears, when it comes to remunerations and conditions of service. We deem this as unacceptable, and condemnable in no uncertain terms!”, they stated.

University teachers across the country, have complained bitterly about their conditions of service, ranging from poor salaries, lack of accommodation, motivating allowances and better conditions of service.
They further hinted of a nationwide strike which begun on the August 2, 2021. Many have expressed concerns about government’s response to the concerns raised by UTAG, especially as the nationwide strike will worsen the conditions of tertiary students across the country.

The GRASAG President, Ms. Heartwill Selasi Tamekloe through the press release, called on government to expedite steps towards the call off of the strike action.

They further appealed to UTAG and SSA-UoG to consider the plights of their members(the students), and resume work since it has the potential of affecting the academic calendar of the country.

“We would also through this medium encourage all university students and researchers to hold their peace, continue to learn, and do all that is required of them as GRASAG, in collaboration with all other student associations continues to advocate for the rights of students.”, the statement concluded.

Find below the statement by GRASAG;



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